Limitless earning Potential.
Delegate & Stake your ZCN to nodely Storage Providers and generate passive income from a consistent APR based on Storage Usage.
Contribute & Earn.
The proportion of Block Rewards earned by each nodely Storage Provider is based on their contribution to the network.
The Goodness Factor.
nodely Storage Providers will earn Block Rewards and their contribution is calculated using a 'Goodness Factor' incorporating 'Free Reads’ , ‘Fair Usage’ and 'Adjusted Stake’.
Triumphant Trials.
'Adjusted Stake' focuses on 'Successful Challenges' and 'Stake' that includes self-delegated and externally delegated ZCN.
Amplified Earnings.
nodely Storage Providers with a greater volume of ZCN delegated stand to earn more Rewards based on the weighted formula.
Utlise Bolt crypto wallet to safely store your ZCN and enhance Earnings with Staking & Delegation.
Launch Bolt